The simple, safe way to increase productivity.

Use of Presses is common in today’s manufacturing environment ranging from forming, cutting and bending etc to form different parts with different material for assembly. 


As the operating principles of Presses involves heavyweight and high-pressure moving elements; Presses are dangerous equipment to work with without proper safe guards in place. 


Let us take you through a journey in Presses Hazard Identification and how to mitigate with Safety Protection Devices.

Common Hazards

Crushing, Cutting and Shearing may due to the pressure failure can result in the ram dropping or operator misuse of damaged press machine


Impact from broken parts due cracked or loose fitting.


Over the time and with heavy use, presses can become damaged or worn in crucial mechanical areas. Therefore they need regular maintenance and safety inspection to ensure the continued safety of the presses.


Lack of safety precautions can also lead to a failure cause, this can mean injury or even loss of life. Some accident may cause by misuse of damaged press machine.


With these considerations, SICK brings to you the Presence Sensing Device Initiation (PSDI) safety solution to keep the operation safe. With the additional sensing in place, the PSDI can also transform a manual 2 hand control to a semi-automatic operation.


Presence Sensing Device Initiation (PSDI) for a press machine is an automatic cycle initiation caused by a single or double break of the optical safety device detection field.

In other words, the press will start its motion as soon as the operator‘s hands leave the protected area. No more 2 hand control 

PSDI is best applied:

  • To presses or assembly stations that are manually loaded
  • To low cycle time parts made in high volumes (this applies well to automotive and consumer electronics industries)
  • Generally to presses that are less than 400 tons
  • For parts that are easy to handle
  • To eliminate the 2 hand control
  • Increases production efficiency
  • Reduces worker fatigue due to much better ergonomics
  • Eliminates the need for two hand controls
  • Achieves the highest standard of safety
  • Allows the companies to avoid investing in new presses due to the increase in production
  • The increase in production can pay for the PSDI system cost within months
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For more information, please contact: Jayden Siew ( )