Privacy policy of a collision avoidance system

SICK AG glæder sig over, at du besøger vore websites og viser interesse i vores virksomhed, vore produkter og vore serviceydelser. Det er vigtigt for os at beskytte dit privatliv, og vi ønsker, at du kan føle dig tryg, når du besøger vore websites. Til det formål forklarer vi nedenfor, hvilke informationer vi behandler, mens du besøger vore websites.

Responsible SICK AG, Erwin-Sick-Straße 1, 79183 Waldkirch, Germany
Purpose of processing Development and validation of a collision avoidance system
Categories of data
  • Image data
  • Video data
  • 3D information
  • Geoposition data
  • Time of recording
  • Weather data
The quality of the video material only allows people to be identified if they are within 3.8m of the camera.
Legal basis GDPR Art. 6 (1) f) - legitimate interests
Legitimate interest SICK processes images and videos in combination with time, geoinformation and weather data for the training and validation of AI systems. Most of the data is processed automatically. This processing is done to protect people in the vicinity of machines and to prevent accidents involving them.   By developing such a system for the protection of persons, there is a justified company interest in the general welfare of all persons. Due to the purpose of the system's accident prevention, the future protection in the interest of all people therefore outweighs the right to the image recordings of the individual, which is worthy of protection.
Consequences of failure to provide the data The data is provided fully automatically via the recording system.
Retention time As a product to be classified as a high-risk AI system in accordance with EU AI Act Article 6 is also to be developed on the basis of this data, it is necessary to store the data. Based on the data, the accuracy and robustness of the product is to be evaluated and improved throughout the product life cycle. In order to safeguard product liability in accordance with Section 13 (1) ProdHaftG, the recorded data is stored for 10 years after the last sale of a system based on this technology. 
Data source We process data generated by the recording system.
Recipients of the data Certifying bodies
Transmission in third countries We do not transfer any personal data to third countries.
Logic of the automated decision We do not make automated decisions.


Dine rettigheder

Du har ret til

  • at modtage information om dine personlysninger,
  • at få rettet dine personlysninger,
  • at få slettet hhv. blokeret dine personoplysninger,
  • at gøre indsigelse mod behandlingen af dine personoplysninger,
  • at få overført dine personoplysninger,
  • at annullere dit samtykke med gyldighed fremover, såfremt behandlingen af dine personoplysninger er baseret på dit samtykke, samt
  • til at indgive en klage til en databeskyttelsesmyndighed, hvis du er af den opfattelse, at behandlingen af dine personoplysninger er i modstrid med databeskyttelsesretten.

Du bedes i så fald henvende dig til den ansvarlige for databeskyttelse i vores virksomhed. Vi tager behørigt hånd om alle henvendelser.

Ændring af databeskyttelseserklæringen

Vi forbeholder os retten til på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt at tilpasse databeskyttelseserklæringen til de gældende krav. Den til enhver tid gældende databeskyttelseserklæring kan på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt hentes på vore websites.