New Supervisory Board for SICK AG

May 20, 2022

Long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Klaus M. Bukenberger, did not run for re-election at this year’s Annual General Meeting of SICK AG and has left the Waldkirch-based sensor company. The former Chairman of the Executive Board, Dr. Robert Bauer, succeeds him as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. 

Klaus M. Bukenberger had been a member of the Supervisory Board of SICK AG since 2002, and its Chairman since 2005. Bukenberger considerably furthered SICK’s corporate success during his term of office. After 17 years, a new Chairman was elected at the Annual General Meeting. The successor is no stranger: The former Chairman of the Executive Board, Dr. Robert Bauer, will take over as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board with immediate effect. After 15 years in the post, Bauer recently passed on his Chairmanship of the Executive Board of SICK AG to Dr. Mats Gökstorp. Bauer had been a member of the Executive Board for a total of 20 years.
The founder family is a fixed element of the company 
Renate Sick-Glaser, daughter of the company founder Dr. Erwin Sick, also no longer stood for election. She had been a member of the Board since 2007, and is particularly committed to all aspects of training and further education. This can be seen, for example, at the new campus of the Sensor Intelligence Academy (SIA) in Buchholz, which Sick-Glaser has made available to SICK AG. She would like to continue her involvement. In addition, Franz Bausch also no longer stood for election. Bausch is the Managing Director of Sick Glaser GmbH and, for 23 years, helped shape SICK’s financial development as a business and tax advisor on the Supervisory Board.
Sebastian Glaser, Renate Sick-Glaser’s son, has been the majority shareholder of SICK Holding GmbH since early 2022 and will remain on the Supervisory Board. Glaser is particularly interested in the development of the long-term market strategy. Gisela Sick, widow of Dr. Erwin Sick, remains the Honorary Chairwoman. 
Dorothea Sick-Thies, Dr. Erwin Sick’s youngest daughter, was re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The founder and sole shareholder of Protect the Planet gGmbH is particularly committed to the environment and ecological sustainability, also at Sick AG. She has initiated a variety of projects, such as supplying the German sites with renewable electricity. Thomas Kusterer, Chief Financial Officer of EnBW, was elected to the Supervisory Board for the first time. Kusterer will help shape the Finance portfolio in future. Prof. Boris Otto, Manager of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and System Technology, was also elected to the Supervisory Board. Otto will support the Board on all matters regarding digitalization. The workforce of the SICK Group already elected their representatives for the Supervisory Board in late April. 
The complete Supervisory Board of SICK AG was elected at the Annual General Meeting on 19 May, and sincerely welcomed by the sensor company. The Board now consists of the following members:
Gisela Sick (Honorary Chairwoman)
Shareholder representatives:
Dr. Robert Bauer (Chairman)
Former Chairman of the Executive Board of SICK AG
Sebastian Glaser
Managing Partner of SICK Holding GmbH
Thomas Kusterer
Member of the Executive Board of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Prof. Boris Otto
Manager of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and System Technology (ISST)
Dorothea Sick-Thies
Founder and sole shareholder of Protect the Planet gGmbH
Dr. Eberhard Veit
Managing Partner of 4.0-Veit GbR
Employee representatives: 
Susanne Tröndle (Deputy Chairwoman) 
Chairwoman of the Works Council in Waldkirch and the SICK AG Works Council
Chairwoman of the SICK Group’s Works Council
Thomas Franz
Senior Vice President Operations, SICK AG
Norbert Göbelsmann
Managing Director of IG Metall in Freiburg and Lorrach
Dr. Matthias Müller
Head of Finance on the Federal Executive Board of the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB)
Gabriele Pontiggia
Speaker for HR Organizational & People Development at SICK AG
Thomas Weckopp
Chairman of the Works Council of SICK Vertriebs-GmbH
SICK is one of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. The company, founded by Dr. Erwin Sick in 1946 and based in Waldkirch-im-Breisgau near Freiburg, is a technology and market leader. It has a worldwide presence with more than 50 subsidiaries and associated companies, as well as numerous sales offices. SICK achieved Group sales of about EUR 2 bn. during the 2021 fiscal year with more than 11,000 employees worldwide. More information on SICK is available at

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