




The Foreign Funded R&D Headquarter(Center)

The foreign funded R&D Headquarters (Center) is the foreign invested institutions in China whose business scope includes research and experimental development in natural science and related scientific fields. The establishment and development of foreign R&D headquarter (Center) in Beijing aims to stimulate the city's innovation vitality, build a high-quality open innovation system, integrate into the global scientific and technological innovation network, promote an open, beneficial and shared international scientific and technological cooperation, and accelerate the construction of Beijing international scientific and technological innovation center. SMC was confirmed by Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau and obtained certification of Foreign Funded R&D Headquarter on June 9, 2022. Thereafter, SMC successively gained the Certification of Foreign Funded R&D Center in July, jointly recognized by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce. Hence, SMC became the first batch of foreign enterprises in Beijing to get these two certifications. Being regarded as the Foreign-Funded R&D Headquarter (Center), SMC will benefit extensively from government incl. but not limited to financial incentives, supporting policies, facilitation measures and preferential treatment.
(The certification and medal of foreign funded R&D Headquarter/Center)
Supporting from the government
In the process of certification application, the government also gave assistance to SMC. On April 7, deputy director of District Bureau of Commerce and their team visited our company. During this visit, they explained the policy detail to us and asked for our suggestions.  We established a good interactive relationship with the government through this visiting. On April 27, we visited the District Bureau of Commerce and the Association of Foreign Invested Enterprise back. They gave us positive responses and implemented proposals about the issues involved in the policy, which increased our understanding of this policy.
(总经理李长云先生向政府领导介绍SICK)                    (与政府领导集体合影)
(General Manager Mr. Li Changyun introduced SICK to government officers)
(Group photo with government officers)
Changyun Li, General Manager of SMC, was invited to participant the 7th China Headquarters Economy International Summit Forum sponsored by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Beijing Headquarters Enterprise Association on September 3. During this forum, Changyun Li was awarded the honor by Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress and former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
(Group photo of General Manager Mr. Li Changyun with Director of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and President of Beijing Headquarters Enterprise Association)
Innovation and R&D
Development and innovation are the foundation of SICK, and it is also based on SICK's long-term target that awarded this honor. With decades of experience, SICK has developed into one of the manufacturers with a complete range of emission monitoring technologies in environmental monitoring. SICK constantly adopts innovative technologies and proven measurement principles to ensure effective solutions. SICK MAIHAK CHINA focuses on the innovation and development of the Chinese market and is one of the market leaders of CEMS in China. With support and collaboration with SICK Group, SMC has deployed numerous localized products and system applications, which ensured to continuously provide customers with value-leading solutions. With the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, SMC will keep the vision "independence", "innovation" and "leadership" to provide intelligent products and solutions for the environmental protection industry.