Nowhere for dark figures to hide

Aug 4, 2017

Intrusion, willful destruction, theft, unauthorized entry into protected zones - the Swiss company Securiton AG is protected against these potential threats thanks to the SecuriWall M1 LS mobile monitoring solution. The LD-MRS 3D LiDAR sensor from SICK forms part of this digital system network which protects objects and properties against dark machinations.


Even with an object remission of only 10%, the laser scanner can achieve a scanning range of 50 meters - and is therefore perfect for detecting dark figures in black clothing even after sunset or in unlit areas. For this reason alone, the LD-MRS was the perfect fit for Securiton's requirements profile.


Securiton: Swiss specialists for sophisticated safety technology

Securiton AG, based in Zollikofen, meets virtually all types of security and protection needs - both in Switzerland and around the world. The company, which belongs to the Swiss Securitas Group, designs, installs, and maintains security systems in the fields of fire protection, intrusion protection, hold-up alarms, personal protection, access control and time recording, video monitoring, and property and perimeter protection. One of the highlights of our extensive portfolio is mobile monitoring, reports Claudio Krebs, project manager at Securiton. We offer a range of flexible, location-independent, quick-to-configure, cost-effective solutions for temporarily changing monitoring tasks. One of these solutions is the SecuriWall M1 LS monitoring system, which can be used to protect aircraft such as planes, jets or helicopters on military and civilian airfields.


SecuriWall M1 LS: High-tech monitoring right up to the cloud

3_mil-Lfz_Phase-II Only state-of-the-art technology can ensure maximum security, says Dieter Karrer, Manager Develop. & Technical at Securiton. Consequently, our SecuriWall M1 LS only features future-proof technologies. Digital video technology, 3D LiDAR sensors, global positioning, mobile communications, Internet, tablets, computers, and their centralized networking in the secure SecuriCloud platform enable more efficient monitoring than ever before. The system can be set up and commissioned quickly, and the configuration adapts perfectly to the respective security requirements and local application conditions. During what is typically temporary use, customers can save a fortune on staffing costs, explains Securiton project manager Michael Scholl. Then the systems can be dismantled quickly so they are ready for the next job. The concept is also ideal for airport operators, for example, who need to guarantee the security of planes and helicopters on the ground.


Stealth cloak tactic around the aircraft

Whether it is a jet, passenger craft, cargo plane, or helicopter, military and civilian aircraft are exposed objects - particularly when they are on the ground. But how can we secure and protect these expensive and differently sized aircraft in as many areas of the airfield as possible? With SecuriWall M1 LS, Securiton has developed a networked monitoring system for these protection scenarios which can supply its own energy for up to 72 hours and significantly simplifies the efficient monitoring of aircraft silhouettes. It is already proving to be extremely successful in practice. Two mobile surveillance boxes - each equipped with two LD-MRS 3D LiDAR sensors from SICK - create an invisible protection zone around the aircraft - a kind of stealth cloak. The monitoring field is taught in within a few minutes by means of an incredibly simple process, explains Sascha Ceccotti, Application Engineer for Logistic Automation at SICK AG in Stans. Anyone walking around the aircraft is detected by the laser scanners - and the area within their path is taught in as a monitored area straight away.





Alarm signaling via app

Once the SecuriWall M1 LS is armed, no one can approach the aircraft undetected - any unauthorized access triggers an optical and acoustic alarm locally to begin with. After a preconfigured pre-alarm time has elapsed, the system transmits an alarm message via the SecuriCloud networking platform. The alarm and the simultaneously activated live images are received by one or more alarm receivers - smartphones equipped with an alarm management app developed by Securiton.


LD-MRS: Reliable detection even in harsh conditions

The large working range of the sensors which extends up to 250 meters in the case of objects with normal remission and 50 meters for surfaces that absorb almost all of the light, the fine angular resolution between 0.125° and 0.5°, and the scanning frequency which can be set between 12.5 Hz and 50 Hz - all of these factors made the LD-MRS from SICK the sensor technology of choice. Furthermore, the 3D LiDAR sensor provides reliable detection at any time, even when exposed to wind or other inclement weather conditions, explains Urs Baruffol, Industry Account Manager at SICK AG in Stans. Thanks to its special evaluation methods and software filter algorithms for close-range applications, the scanner maintains a clear view even in fog, rain, or snow. The LD-MRS is also temperature-resistant: It can withstand both Arctic levels of cold down to -40 °C and heat of up to 70 °C. Nowhere for dark figures to hide: Mobile monitoring with SecuriWall M1 LS from Securiton enables pragmatic, economical and yet highly professional protection of all kinds of objects - thanks in no small part to the detection capabilities of the LD-MRS 3D LiDAR sensor from SICK.    

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